1. Introduction This document could guide you how to apply for the data for the paper titled as 'HUPAN: A Pan-genome Analysis Pipeline for Human Genomes'. For the data sharing, individual sequence data can be accessed through the agreement with GCPan Data Access Committee. To protect personal information, the Committee will need a signed 'DATA USE AGREEMENT' from you to confirm that some rules should be complied before we release the dataset. 2. How to apply for data use The following steps describe the procedures to be followed for use of data available: 1. Download 'DATA USE AGREEMENT', fill out this AGREEMENT and sign your name. 2. Scan the signed 'DATA USE AGREEMENT' and send it to GCPan Data Access Committee (yingyan3y@sjtu.edu.cn). 3. The Data Applicant will be notified the decision of the review by e-mail (normally, within a couple of week after sending this AGREEMENT to GCPan Data Access Committee). 4. If the application is approved, data can be downloaded using the account and password provided in the notification e-mail within 30 days (if data can not be download completely within 30 days, the deadline could be delayed). 3. GCPan Committee members: Chairperson: Yingyan Yu(yingyan3y@sjtu.edu.cn) Committee Members: Hongzhuan Chen(yaoli@shsmu.edu.cn) Zhen Zhang (zhen_zhang@fudan.edu.cn) Zhenggang Zhu (surgerzhu@aliyun.com) Chaochun Wei (ccwei@sjtu.edu.cn) 4. Other Notes If you have any question, please be free to contact with us (yingyan3y@sjtu.edu.cn; ccwei@sjtu.edu.cn).