|-MetaCSSTmain | executable program to predict DGRs |
|-MetaCSSTsub | executable program to identify TRs, VRs or RTs |
|-arg(/TR/VR/RT).config | config files in the GHMM |
|-align/*align | align matrix used to develop the GHMM |
|-main.cpp | source code to build MetaCSSTmain |
|-sub.cpp | source code to build MetaCSSTsub |
|-ghmm.h & fun.h | some functions, structures and objects |
|-callVR.pl | used to search VRs according to the raw GTF file generated by MetaCSSTmain |
|-removeRepeat.pl | remove identical TR-VR pairs generated by callVR.pl |
|-chomp.pl | preprocess the input file in FASTA format |
|-addition/merged* | collected DGRs |
|-addition/training | training set |
|-addition/test | test set |
|-addition/classify | classification of TRs/VRs/RTs, generated by MUSCLE |
|-example and example.sh | a example to identify DGRs |
|-callORF.pl | script to call Open Reading Frames |
|-coden.txt | coden table uesd to call ORFs |
Please send your comments or bug reports to Dr. Wei .