Dr. Chaochun Wei, Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, SJTU

Chaochun Wei

Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Office: Room 422, Ye Jie Quan Building
800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District
Shanghai, China, 200240
Phone: (86)(21) 34204083
E-mail: ccwei@sjtu.edu.cn


Research Interests

We are hiring!

Postdoc positions available!!

Qualified individuals intrested in bioinformatics, especially comparative genomics, evolutionary genomics or disease genomics are welcome to contact Dr. Wei.

PhD student, Master student positions available

We are looking for highly motivated graduate/undergraduate students to work on exciting bioinformatics research projects funded by national funding agencies like NSFC, MOST and local funding agencies from the Shanghai city. Our recent research interests include pangenome analysis tool development and their application in plant pangenome and disease pangenome study. People with strong programming skills, knowledge in algorithms, machine learning and/or Biology are very welcome here. However, background in these areas is not necessary if you are willing to learn some basics. Interested individuals are welcome to contact Dr. Wei.


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