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Algorithms in Bioinformatics

Spring 2018


Time: Monday 10:00AM - 11:40AM
Location: 403 Dong Xia Yuan


Time: Thursday (Even week) 10:00AM - 11:40AM
Location: 4-302 Biology Building, The computer lab of the department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

Office Hour

Monday 1:00PM-2:00PM Room 221,Building 4, School of Life Sciences,


Week Date Teacher Topics Labs & Guides
1 Feb. 26 Chaochun Wei Introduction to the course Lecture PPTs:
2 March 5 Chaochun Wei Introduction to molecular biology and sequence comparison Lecture PPTs:
3 March 12 Chaochun Wei Probability Theory Lecture PPTs:
4 March 19,23 Chaochun Wei Algorithm complexity analysis Lecture PPTs: Lab 2: Homework2:
5 March 26 Chaochun Wei Dynamic Programming Lecture PPTs:
6 April 2, 5 Chaochun Wei Sequence alignment Lecture PPTs: Homework3:
7 April 9 Chaochun Wei Hidden Markov Models Lecture PPTs: Homework4:
8 April 17,20 Chaochun Wei , Yue Zhang Multiple sequence alignment Lecture PPTs: Project 1:

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    References: "Unix and Perl Primer for Biologists" .

    * Some parts of this course is from Sean Eddy 's course ( "Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology", School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis. Its current course master is Prof. Michael Brent).


    ©2016 Chaochun Wei