eupanLSF tool list: qualSta Run fastqc on a large number of files mergeQualSta View the overall sequencing quality by combining fastqc outputs trim Trim or filter low-quality reads parallelly align Map reads to a reference parallelly sam2bam Convert alignments (.sam) to sorted .bam files bamSta Statistics of parallel mapping assemble Assemble reads parallelly assemSta Statistics of parallel assembly mergeAssemSta Merge statistics of all indivduals to a single file getUnalnCtg Extract the unaligned contigs from nucmer alignment (processed by quast) mergeUnalnCtg Merge the unaligned contigs into a single file rmRedundant Remove redundant contigs of a fasta file pTpG Get the longest transcripts to represent genes geneCov Calculate gene body coverage and CDS coverage mergeGeneCov Merge gene body coverage and cds coverage of each sample to two summary files geneExist Determine gene presence-absence based on gene body coverage and CDS coverage subSample Select subset of samples from gene PAV profile gFamExist Determine gene family presence-absence based on gene presence-absence bam2bed Calculate genome region presence-absence from .bam fastaSta Calculate statistics of fasta file sim simulation and plot of the pan-genome and the core genome
"qualSta" tool is used to check qualities of .fastq/.fastq.gz files on a large scale. It will plot the quality statistics automatically.
Usage: eupanLSF qualSta [options]
The script will call fastqc program, so please make sure fastqc is in your PATH, or you need to use -f option to tell the script where it locates.
Necessary input description:
data_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, there should be several sequencing files ended by .fastq or .fastq.gz. output_directory <string> Both final output files and intermediate results will be found in this directory. To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. Options: -h Print this usage page. -f <string> The directory where the executable file (fastqc) locate. If this option isn't given, we assume that it is in your PATH. -t <int> Specifies the number of files which can be processed simultaneously. This parameter is sent to fastqc program. It is recommended to set as the number of files within each sample. Pay attention that the machine should have this number of threads. default: 1 -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. default: default queue
Example command:
eupanLSF qualSta -f /path/to/Fastqc -t 4 data/ preview_quality/
Usage: eupanLSF mergeQualStadirectory The exact output of "eupanLSF qualSta".
"trim" tool is used to trim or filter raw sequencing data to generate high-quality paired-end fastq data.
Usage: eupanLSF trim [options]The tool will call trimmomatic program and parameter files within trimmomatic directory is also needed. So the directory where trimmomatic locates should be given to the script as a necessary input.
Necessary input description:
fastq_data_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, there should be several sequencing files ended by .fastq(or .fq) or .fastq.gz(or .fq.gz). output_directory <string> High-quality reads will be output to this directory. To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. Trimmomatic_directory <string> Directory where trimmometic program locates. Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> thread number -a <string> Adaptor file in fasta utilized by trimmomatic program. Default: trimmomatoc_dir/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa -s <string> Suffix of the fastq_file. Check your sequencing data and change it if needed. Default: ".fq.gz" -k <string> Linker for paired_end identifer. Paired-end fastq file should end with *1suffix or *2suffix, where suffix is ".fq.gz"( or ".fastq", etc. See -s option) and * is the linker such as "_".As an example, the file should be like CX123_1.fq.gz (linker is "_", suffix is ".fq.gz") or BX125_R1.fastq(linker is "_R", suffix is ".fastq") Default: "_" -p <33 or 64> Quality score version. Default: 33 (phred+33) -i <int> Parameter passed to Trimmomatic (LEADING or TRAILING). Specifies the minimum quality required to keep a base at the head or tail of a read. Default: 20. -w <int> Parameter passed to Trimmomatic (SLIDINGWINDOW).specifies the number of bases to average across. Default: 4. -n <int> Parameter passed to Trimmomatic (quality for SLIDINGWINDOW). Default: 20. -m <int> Parameter passed to Trimmomatic (MINLEN).Specifies the minimum length of reads to be kept. Default: 35. -j <int> Parameter passed to Trimmomatic (HEADCROP). The number of bases to remove from the start of the read. If it is set to 0, no base will be removed from the head. Default: 0. -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. default: default queue
Example commands:
eupanLSF trim -p 64 -t 4 data/ trim/ /path/to/Trimmomatic/ eupanLSF trim -p 33 -t 4 -w 83 -m 83 data/ filter/ /path/to/Trimmomatic/
"alignRead" tool is used to map reads to the genome on large scale.
Usage: eupanLSF align [options]
The script will call mapping program (bwa mem or bowtie2), so the directory where mapping tool locates is needed.
Necessary input description:
fastq_data_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, there should be several sequencing files ended by .fq(.gz) or .fastq(.gz). output_directory <string> Alignment results will be output to this directory. To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. Mapping_tool_directory <string> Directory where bwa or bowtie2 program locates. Alignment_index <string> bowtie2 index built from bowtie2-build program; or bwa index built from bwa index. Options: -h Print this usage page. -f <string> Select a mapping tool. Can be "bwa" or "bowtie2". Default: bwa -t <int> Threads used. Default: 1 -s <string> Suffix of the fastq_file. Check your sequencing data and change it if needed. Default: ".fq.gz" -k <string> Linker for paired_end identifer. Paired-end fastq file should end with *1suffix or *2suffix, where suffix is ".fq.gz"( or ".fastq", etc. See -s option) and * is the linker such as "_".As an example, the file should be like CX123_1.fq.gz (linker is "_", suffix is ".fq.gz") or BX125_R1.fastq(linker is "_R", suffix is ".fastq") Default: "_" -m <int> min insertion length, for bowtie2 only Default: 0 -n <int> max insertion length, for bowtie2 only Default: 1000 -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. default: default queue
eupanLSF alignRead -f bwa -t 4 trim/data/ map2pan/ /path/to/bwa/ pan/pan.fa eupanLSF alignRead -f bowtie2 -t 4 trim/data/ map2pan/ /path/to/bowtie2/ pan/pan
Usage: eupanLSF sam2bam [options]
eupanLSF sam2bam is used to adjust mapping results including:
The script will call samtools program, so the directory where samtools locates is needed.
Necessary input description:
mapping_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, One or more mapping results, *.sam, should exist. output_directory <string> Results will be output to this directory.To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. QUAST_directory <string> samtools directory where executable samtools locates. Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> Threads used. Default: 1 -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. default: default queue
Example command:
eupanLSF sam2bam -t 4 map2pan/data/ panBam/ /path/to/samtools-1.3/
"bamSta" tool is used to check statistics of .bam
Usage: eupanLSF bamSta [commands] ...
Commands: basic calculate basic statistics cov calculate genome coverage mergeBasicSta merge basic statistics of each individual mergeCovSta merge genome coverages of each individual
eupanLSF bamSta basic is used to check the basic statistics of mapping.
Usage: eupanLSF bamSta basic [options]
The script will call bam_stats (in BamUtil), so the directory where bamUtil locates is needed.
Necessary input description:
bam_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, mapping result, a sorted .bam file, should exist. output_directory <string> Results will be output to this directory.To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. bamUtil_directory <string> bamUtil directory where bin/bam locates. Options: -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. default: default queue
eupanLSF bamSta cov is used to check the coverages of genome.
Usage: eupanLSF bamSta cov [options]
The script will call qualimap software, so the directory where qualimap locates is needed.
Necessary input description:
bam_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, mapping result, a sorted .bam file, should exist. output_directory <string> Results will be output to this directory.To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. qualimap_directory <string> qualimap directory where executable qualimap locates. Options: -h Print this usage page. -m <string> Maximum memory size for java use Default: 12G -t <int> Thread number. Default:4 -q <string> LSF queue name Default: default queue
"bamSta mergeBasicSta" is used to collect and merge bam basic statistics.
Usage: eupanLSF bamSta mergeBasicSta [options]>output
Necessary input description:
directory <string> directories of bamUtil results. Each directory contains sub-directories named by sample names. data/ directory of bamSta basic output.
"bamSta mergeCovSta" is used to collect and merge bam coverage statistics.
Usage: eupanLSF bamSta mergeCovSta [options]>output
Necessary input description:
directory <string> directories of qualimap results. Each directory contains sub-directories named by sample names.
"assemble" is used to assemble short reads. It contains 2 sub-programs:
1) "soapdenovo" raw sopadenovo2 assembly with fixed Kmer
2) "linearK" iterative use of soapdenovo2 with flexible Kmer
Usage: eupanLSF assemble [commands] ...
Commands: soapdenovo Aseembly with SOAPdenovo 2. linearK Assembly with an iterative use of SOAPdenovo 2 (Recommended).
Usage: eupanLSF assemble soapdenovo [options]
eupanLSF assemble soapdenovo is used to assemble high-quality reads on large scale.
Necessary input description:
fastq_data_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, there should be several sequencing files ended by .fastq or .fastq.gz. output_directory <string> Alignment results will be output to this directory. To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. sopadenovo_directory <string> directory where soapdenovo2 executable files exists Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> Threads used. Default: 1 -s <string> Suffix of files within data_directory. Default: .fq.gz -k <int> Kmer. Default: 35 -c <string> Parameters of soapdenovo2 config file. 8 parameters ligated by comma 1)maximal read length 2)average insert size 3)if sequence needs to be reversed 4)in which part(s) the reads are used 5)use only first N bps of each read 6)in which order the reads are used while scaffolding 7)cutoff of pair number for a reliable connection (at least 3 for short insert size) 8)minimum aligned length to contigs for a reliable read location (at least 32 for short insert size) Default: 80,460,0,3,80,1,3,32 -g enable gapcloser -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. Default: default queue
Usage: eupanLSF assemble linearK [options]
Necessary input description:
fastq_data_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, there should be several sequencing files ended by .fastq or .fastq.gz. output_directory <string> Alignment results will be output to this directory. To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. sopadenovo_directory <string> directory where soapdenovo2 executable files exists Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> Threads used. Default: 1 -g <int> Genome size. Used to infer sequencing depth. Default: 380000000 (380M) -s <string> Suffix of files within data_directory. Default: .fq.gz -r <string> Parameters of linear function: Kmer=2*int(0.5*(a*Depth+b))+1. The parameter should be input as "a,b". Default: 0.76,20 -w <int> Step-length of Kmer change. Default: 2 -u <int> Upper limmited times of Kmer change. This parameter is set to reduce redundancy computation. Default: 10 -c <string> Parameters of soapdenovo2 config file. 8 parameters ligated by comma 1)maximal read length 2)average insert size 3)if sequence needs to be reversed 4)in which part(s) the reads are used 5)use only first N bps of each read 6)in which order the reads are used while scaffolding 7)cutoff of pair number for a reliable connection (at least 3 for short insert size) 8)minimum aligned length to contigs for a reliable read location (at least 32 for short insert size) Default: 80,460,0,3,80,1,3,32 -n <int> The minimum length of contigs. Contigs shorter than this length will NOT be used when calculating N50. Default: 100 -k <string> Available Kmer range. Give comma-seperated lower bound and upper bound. Default: 15,127 -m <int> The number of consecutive Ns to be broken down to contigs.This is used in the process break gapclosed scaffolds to contigs. Default: 10. -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. Default: default queue
"assemSta" tool is used to map assembled contigs to reference and to check the statistics of assembled contigs (or scaffolds).
Usage: eupanLSF assemSta [options]
The script will call QUAST program, so the directory where locates is needed.
Necessary input description:
assembly_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, assembly results, including files *_gc.scafSeq and *_gc.contig, should exist. output_directory <string> Results will be output to this directory.To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. QUAST_directory <string> QUAST directory where locates. reference.fa <string> Reference sequence file (.fa or .fa.gz). Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> Threads used. Default: 1 -m <int> Minimum contig length used for assessment. Default: 500 -g Check the statistics of gap-closed assemblies if -g is enabled. In the assembly directory of each sample, *_gc.scafSeq and *_gc.contig should exist. Default: check statistics of raw assemblies -s Check the statistics of assembled scaffolds if -s is enabled. Default: check statistics of assembled contigs
"mergeAssemSta" is used to collect statistices info of assembly from quast.
Usage: eupanLSF mergeAssemSta> output_statistics
Necessary input description:
QUAST_output_directory_list <string> One or more of quast . unaligned_contig_list <string> File including a list of names of unaligned contigs. In each directory, there should be sub directories named by the sample names.
eupan getUnalnCtg is used to collect unaligned contigs.
Usage: eupanLSF getUnalnCtg [options]
eupanLSF getUnalnCtg is used to collect unaligned contigs.
Necessary input description:
assembly_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, assembly results, including file *_gc.contig, should exist. QUAST_assess_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, quast assessment, including directory file contigs_reports, should exist. output_directory <string> Results will be output to this directory.To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. Options: -h Print this usage page. -m Use gap-closed contigs instead of raw contigs
"mergeUnalnCtg" is used to merge unaligned contigs of each individuals to a single file.
Usage: eupanLSF mergeUnalnCtg [options]
"rmRedundant" is used to cluster sequences and extract the representative ones.
Usage: eupanLSF rmRedundant [commands]
Available commands: cdhitCluster Clustering with CDHIT, fast but only accept identity >0.8 blastCluster Clustering with Blastn
Usage: eupanLSF rmRedundant cdhitCluster [options]
eupanLSF rmRedundant cdhitCluster is used to cluster contigs and remove the redundant ones.
Necessary input description:
input_fasta_file <string> Contig sequences to be clustereed. output_directory <string> Output directory. cdhit_directory <string> directory where cdhit-est locates. Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> Threads used. Default: 1 -c <float> Sequence identity threshold Default: 0.9 -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. Default: default queue
Usage: eupanLSF rmRedundant blastCluster [options]
eupanLSF rmRedundant blastCluster is used to cluster contigs and remove the redundant ones.
Necessary input description:
input_fasta_file <string> Contig sequences to be clustereed. output_directory <string> Output directory. blast_directory <string> directory where blastn and makeblastdb locate. Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> Threads used. Default: 1 -c <float> Sequence identity threshold Default: 0.5 -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. Default: default queue
"pTpG" tool is to obtain the longest trancript of each gene.
Usage: eupanLSF perTranPerGene
Option: -e Check "exon" length instead of check "CDS" length Note "exon" or "CDS" should exist in the 3rd column of the input file
"geneCov" tool is used to calculate gene body coverage and CDS coverage of each gene.
Usage: eupanLSF geneCov [options]
eupanLSF geneCov is used to calculate gene coverages of each gene.
The script will call samtools and ccov.
Necessary input description:
bam_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, mapping result, a sorted .bam file, should exist. output_directory <string> Results will be output to this directory.To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. genome_sequence <string> genome sequences in a single fasta gene_annotation <string> gene annotations in a single gtf file Options: -h Print this usage page. -t <int> Thread number. Default:1 -q <string> LSF queue name Default: default queue
Usage: eupanLSF mergeGeneCov
"geneExist" tool is used to determine gene presence-absence.
eupanLSF geneExist gene_file cds_file min_gene_cov min_cds_cov >output
Inputs: gene_file <string> gene body coverage file cds_file <string> CDS coverage file min_gene_cov <float> minimum gene body coverage min_cds_cov <float> minimum CDS coverage
"subSample" tool is used to select a subset of samples of a PAV profile.
Usage: eupanLSF subSample gene_existence_matrix sample_list >output
Inputs: gene_existence_matrix gene presence/absence matrix sample_list a sample list file
"gFamExist" is used to determine gene family presence-absence from gene presence=absence
Usage: eupanLSF gFamExist> geneFamExist.txt
Inputs: geneExist.txt gene PAV matrix gene family annotation
"bam2bed" tool is used to calculate the covered region of the genome.
Usage: eupanLSF bam2bed [options]
The outputs are covered fragments without overlap in 3-column .bed format.
Necessary input description:
bam_directory <string> This directory should contain many sub-directories named by sample names, such as CX101, B152,etc. In each sub-directory, mapping result, a sorted .bam file, should exist. output_directory <string> Results will be output to this directory. To avoid overwriting of existing files. We kindly request that the output_directory should not exist. It is to say, this directory will be created by the script itself. -q <string> The queue name for job submiting. default: default queue
"fastaSta" tool is used to check basic statistics of a fasta file.
Usage: eupanLSF fastaSta <fasta>
fasta <string> fasta file
"sim" tool is used to do ramdom sampling for pan-genome simulation. For each iteration of simulation, we will randomly sample one by one, and calculate the core genome size and pan genome size.
Usage: eupanLSF sim -n <sim_num> <gene_existence file> <out_dir>
sim_num <int> number of random simulations (default=100) gene_existence file <file> gene PAV matrix