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Programming languages for Bioinformatics

Spring 2019

Course information

Time and location

Thursday 14:00 - 15:40

Location: 4-302 Biology Building, The computer lab of the department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.

Office Hour

Thursday 12:30PM-1:30PM.
4-221 Biology building


Week Date Lecturer Topics Labs & Guides
1 Feb. 28 Chaochun Wei Introduction to programming languages for bioinformatics Lecture PPTs:
2 March 7 Chaochun Wei Introdution to Linux Lecture PPTs:
3 March 14 Chaochun Wei
  • Introdution to Emacs
  • Introduction to C Programming Language
Lecture PPTs:
4 March 21 Chaochun Wei
  • Introduction to C Programming Language
Lecture PPTs: Example code: C_intro_example.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf C_intro_example.tarz
5 March 28 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 2: Types, operators and expressions
Lecture PPTs: Example code: chpt2.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf chpt2.tarz
6 April 4 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 3: Control Flow
Lecture PPTs: Example code: chpt3.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf chpt3.tarz
7 April 11 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 4: Function and Program Structure
Lecture PPTs: Example code: chpt4.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf chpt4.tarz
8 April 18 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 4: Function and Program Structure
  • Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays
Lecture PPTs: Example code: chpt4_c.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf chpt4_c.tarz
9 April 25 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays
Lecture PPTs: Example code: chpt5_c.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf chpt5_c.tarz
10 April 28 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 6: Structures
Lecture PPTs: Example code: chpt6_c.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf chpt6_c.tarz
11 May 8 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 7: Input/Output
Lecture PPTs: Example code: chpt7_c.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf chpt7_c.tarz
Project: Presentation order:
12 May 15 Chaochun Wei
  • Chapter 8: Debug
Lecture PPTs: Example code: week12_gdb.tarz
You can download the compressed tar file and decompress the file with command line:
    tar -xzvf week12_gdb.tarz
  • Go top
  • Links



    ©2019 Chaochun Wei